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1973 25th Anniversary of Independence-20 paise Block of 4 FDC
1973 Indian Miniature Paintings- set of 4 Block of 4 FDC
1973 Homage to Gandhi and Nehru Block of 4 FDC
1973 INDIPEX 73-3v set Block of 4 FDC
1974 Masks - set of 4 Block of 4 FDC
1976 XXI Olympics Games- Shot put Block of 4 FDC
1976 Indian Wild Life- 4v Set Block of 4 FDC
1976 Children's Day Block of 4 FDC
1977 VI International Film Festival Block of 4 FDC
2003 International Conference on Autism Block of 4 FDC
2003 Temple Architecture Block of 4 FDC
2005 Children’s Day Block of 4 FDC
2005 Children’s Film Society Block of 4 FDC
2010 INDIA E Sekaranar FDC Wrong Date Cancellation of 31-12-2010 instead of 09-10-2010
1950 INDIA Republic of India Inauguration - Quill, Ink-Well & Verse Plain FDC
1951 INDIA 1st Asian Games - 2 Anna Plain FDC
1951 INDIA 1st Asian Games - 2 Anna FDC - Commercial Used from Bombay to madras
1952 INDIA Saints and Poets - 6v Hindi Cancelled FDC
1953 INDIA Conquest of Everest - 2v Registered Commercial Used FDC
1954 INDIA Postage Stamps Centenary - Mail Transport (By Cycle, Rail, Ship & Plane) FDC
1954 INDIA United Nations Day Private FDC - Type IV
1954 INDIA 4th World Forestry Congress Commercial Used FDC in Plain Cover From Bombay to Baroda
1956 INDIA 2500th Buddha Jayanti - Bodhi Tree FDC in Plain Cover
1956 INDIA 2500th Buddha Jayanti - 2v FDC in Plain FDC
1957 India centenary of first freedom struggle 2v Registered Commercial Used fdc
1957 India Childrens day Nutrition 8np fdc
2023 INDIA High Court of Orissa FDC
2023 INDIA Sardar Antaji Mankeshwar Gandhe FDC
1987 Asia Regional Conf. of the Rotary Int. - 2v Set FDC